JUPAS Student (For 2022 and onwards Year ONE Entry)
Local Applicants (broad-based admission)
JUPAS Catalogue
No. JS2610
Programme Short Name
Programme Full Name
Bachelor of Arts/ Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in (European Studies [French/German Stream] / Geography / Global & China Studies / Government & International Studies / History / Sociology)
Study Level
Bachelor Degree
Duration of Study
4 years
Programme Entrance Requirements
HKDSE Requirements
English Language
Level 3
Chinese Language
Level 3
Mathematics (compulsory part)
Level 2
Citizenship and Social Development
1st Elective*
Level 3
2nd Elective ^
Level 3

* The first elective must be any Category A subjects including Extended Part of Mathematics (Module 1 or Module 2);

^ The second elective can be any of the following subjects:

  • Category A subjects;
  • Other Language subjects at Grade E or above.


This programme will consider Applied Learning subjects in the admissions selection process.


Admission score http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/ar/admissions/score

Non-JUPAS Student 

Local & Non-local applicants


International Applicants

Non-local applicants are defined as persons entering Hong Kong for the purpose of education with a student visa/ entry permit issued by the Director of Immigration.


Direct (Non-JUPAS) Admission Scheme

Direct (Non-JUPAS) Admission Scheme is for local and non-local applicants who are applying for admission on the basis of qualifications other than Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) or National Joint College Entrance Examination (JEE) results of the current year.


Citizens of Mainland China

Citizens of Mainland China entering Hong Kong for the purpose of education with a student visa/ entry permit issued by the Director of Immigration should follow either one of the routes for admission as stated below:


  1. Applicants who DO NOT sit for the 2020 National Joint College Entrance Examination (JEE) or who want to apply on the strength of other qualifications (apart from JEE/ HKDSE) should apply through the Direct (Non-JUPAS) Admissions Scheme;
  2. Applicants sitting for the 2020 JEE should apply for admission via the University's Admissions Scheme for Mainland Students. Relevant details can be found at Mainland Admissions Scheme website. (http://ar.hkbu.edu.hk/pros/admiss_schemes/mainland/)


Non-JUPAS Application Period (2022 Entry)

For 2022 entry, online application for admission to 2022-2023 Undergraduate Degree programme is to be announced. The application period has been extended for Non-local applications from TBC. Applicants with applications submitted may view their application status via the Applicant Enquiry System. There is only one intake each year, i.e. Fall Intake. Each applicant is allowed to submit ONE application with a maximum of two programme choices.

For the details, please visit to HKBU Academic Registry official website.