Showcase of Students’ Good Works in GCST1005 Approaches in Global Studies

Showcase of Students’ Good Works in GCST1005 Approaches in Global Studies

Instructor’s remarks:

A key learning goal for the Global & China Studies course “Approaches in Global Studies” is understanding and describing the various ways that local and global issues are connected politically, economically, socially, and/or culturally. It is therefore opportune that we live in a global city like Hong Kong where there are plenty of sites and spaces that showcase an interplay between the local and global.


Indeed, students from the AY2022/2023 had to seek out these sites and spaces, and reflect on how they speak to major themes and dynamics of globalisation.


The result of this is a series of excellently crafted photo essays that creatively integrate theories and facts, which I am happy to share below.


We would also like to acknowledge the generous support of the TKP Character and Ethics Development Scheme towards this project.


Dr. YEW Wei Lit


Global & China Studies Programme



Showcase of Students' Good Works-1
Topic: Liberalization in Central
Student: WONG Wang To

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Instructor's remarks on "Liberalization in Central":
As an individual work, this is fairly well done. Here, Wang To documents the various microcosms of liberalization in Central. From the pop-up stalls to the capitalist giants, from the colonial period to the present times, from the market to the government institutions, Wang To offers an insightful take on Hong Kongs relationship with liberalism and concludes that maybe liberalism in Hong Kong was in service of the wider goal of modernisation.



Showcase of Students' Good Works-2
Topic: The phenomenon of wealth polarization in Hong Kong
Student: Anaelle Mahe DELEON, Clothilde Jeanne MAZURIER, Justine LALLEMAND

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Instructors' remarks on "The phenomenon of wealth polarization in Hong Kong":
I genuinely love the excellent photo composition, well thought-out remarks, and creative captions in this photo essay. Here, Mahe, Clothilde, and Justine have collated eye-catching snapshots of the everyday "contrasts" and "confrontations", showing us what a polarised society may look like in Hong Kong.



Showcase of Students' Good Works-3
Topic: As Hong Kong is a global village, do we connect with the global?
Student: TAI Yan Ting, TSUI Wai Lam, WONG Tan

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Instructor's remarks on "As Hong Kong is a global village, do we connect with the global?":
What I honestly like about this photo essay by Yan Ting, Wai Lam and Wong Tan is its thematic consistency and breadth of coverage on how technology is central to Hong Kong's "global village". It draws attention to the screens that are everywhere in our everyday technology-enabled life: our smartphones, our computer screens at work, our television screens at home... Here, the group tells us that they are also in our train stations, our shopping malls, and tourist sites, sending us tonnes of information, while also connecting each and every one of us.



Showcase of Students' Good Works-4
Topic: Starbucks - Coffee giant selling American culture
Student: XIAO Xiao, ZHU Ruoyan, LI Sum Yuet

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Instructor's remarks on "Starbucks: coffee giant selling American culture":
I suspect most, if not all of us, have been to Starbucks. Here, Xiao Xiao, Ruoyan, and Sum Yuet take us on a journey from the front to the back of the counter in a Starbucks cafe, uncovering every possible sign of American culture. The photos are superbly clean and the captions are consistently thoughtful. Personally, I really like their conclusion that perhaps - just perhaps - Starbucks acts as a "third" place for us all.



Showcase of Students' Good Works-5

Topic: Hong Kong International Airport: free flow of goods and people
Student: CHIN Nga Man, HE Xing Tong, HEIM Simon Kun Lung


Please click here for the video.


Instructor's remarks on "Hong Kong International Airport: free flow of goods and people":
I was thoroughly impressed with the group effort behind this photo essay. Nga Man, Xingtong, and Simon went above and beyond to put together a wonderfully informative and engaging video for this. The past, the present, and the likely future of the Hong Kong International Airport is told here through a compelling combination of breath-taking photos and thoughtful audio commentary.



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